Experiencias de Intercambio

El pasado trimestre realizamos el intercambio con nuestros amigos de Banbridge Academy, en Irlanda del Norte, Reino Unido. Un grupo de 15 estudiantes convivieron con las familias de sus compañeros de intercambio durante 15 días, una semana en Zaragoza y la otra en Banbridge.
El intercambio es una experiencia de inmersión completa en el idioma, en la familia, en la cultura, las costumbres y la forma de vida de las dos culturas que nos enriquece como personas y nos anima a ver las diferencias y similitudes, a aprender el idioma, a cuestionarnos muchas cosas, pero también a compartir y abrirnos al mundo.
Os dejo con las palabras del alumnado y algunas imágenes que seguro transmiten mejor todos estos valores:

‘In Northern Ireland the family received me with open arms and a cake with my name on it’
‘I learned so much in this experience, to be more responsible and mature, as well as improving my English skills’
‘I was a bit nervous but as soon as I had dinner with my Irish friend I felt so relieved and I knew everything was going to be OK’
‘I met some lovely boys and girls at school’
‘We visited many different places and met different people like a charming man that owned a candy shop who told us that he was learning gaelic to read ancient Irish poetry’.
‘Another nice experience was the cooking class we took on Monday at Banbridge Academy, I met a lovely girl that taught us how to make apple crumble’.
‘We tasted fish and chips, scones and hot chocolate at a seaside village while it was raining’
‘It surprised me how amazed they were about things that I found so normal, like the architecture of the buildings here in Zaragoza or the nice weather’

‘When we had to say our goodbyes, it was a very sad moment, since we had made great bonds with our partners but we made promises to see each other again’
‘We learned how to appreciate Ireland and its green hills as much as we learned how to appreciate our homeland and language’ ‘We went back home when we were feeling most comfortable and when we were really bonding with our new friends, which made our hearts sink, but I think it was also the accurate time to keep with us a lovely memory’
Por último me gustaría agradecer a todas las personas involucradas en el intercambio, tanto al profesorado que ha ayudado a llevar a cabo las actividades propuestas aquí en nuestro centro y allí como al fantástico alumnado participante por sus ganas de aprender, disfrutar y exprimir esta experiencia.
Y esto no acaba aquí, las últimas noticias son que algunos de ellos van a pasar parte de sus vacaciones de verano con sus amigos de intercambio.
To be continued…(continuará…)

Día Europeo de las Lenguas
Celebrate the European Day of Languages with us!
Intercambio con Warminster School para alumnos de 2º ESO
Se abre plazo de preinscripción para participar en el Intercambio con Warminster School durante el presente curso 2019-20.
Se adjunta carta informativa con volante para la preinscripción.
Libros de lectura 2019-20
Estos son los libros de lectura obligatorios para todos los niveles durante el 1er. trimestre del curso 2019-2020.
Recuerdos de la «English Week»
Empezando ya las vacaciones de verano, aprovechamos para subir las fotos del viaje a Santa Susana (English Week) con alumn@os de 1º y 2º ESO, del 16 al 21 de junio del 2019.
Durante la semana l@s chaval@s realizaron distintas actividades deportivas, talleres, fueron a la disco y se comunicaron en inglés con l@s monit@res. En un entorno muy agradable y acompañados de un tiempo buenísimo, estuvimos muy a gusto en el camping y disfrutamos un montón. ¡¡Toda una experiencia!! Gracias al personal del camping y a los monitores, que se portaron genial en todo momento 😊
Resultado Prueba Acceso Programa BRIT
Listado de alumnos que realizaron la Prueba de Acceso al Programa BRIT-ARAGON el viernes 21 de junio a las 12.30 h. organizados según número adjudicado ese día y calificados como APTO / NO APTO.
Los alumnos que aparecen como APTO con asterisco (*) podrían necesitar algo de apoyo o refuerzo para seguir el programa con garantías de éxito. Nuestra recomendación es que refuercen este verano la comprensión lectora y auditiva del inglés a través de lecturas y audiciones para mejorar sus competencias comunicativas. Os animamos a hacer este pequeño esfuerzo para poder aprovechar esta excelente oportunidad educativa.
El departamento de inglés estará a su disposición para cualquier consulta hasta el día 27, en horario de 9 a 13 h.
¡Nos vamos de inmersión!
Spelling Bee Competition
Spelling Bee Competition
Dos alumnos de 1º ESO del programa bilingüe Brit-Aragón participaron en el concurso “Spelling Bee” organizado por el IES Valdespartera para alumnos matriculados en dicho programa.
Este año sólo podíamos participar en la categoría Junior (1º y 2º ESO) al ser este nuestro primer año como centro Brit. Previamente, hubo unas rondas de selección en nuestro centro entre los alumnos interesados en participar, hasta que en la ronda final quedaron definitivamente seleccionados la alumna Yuting Jiang, de 1º ESO B y el alumno Oriol Guasch, de 1º ESO C.
La experiencia en el IES Valdespartera fue muy emocionante y tras superar 6 rondas eliminatorias, nuestros alumnos quedaron en un honroso 4º puesto. ¡ENHORABUENA!
“Just bee-lieve in yourself! You can do it!”
Programa de inmersión lingüística en Inglés para alumnos de 1º Y 2º ESO durante el verano de 2019
La Secretaría de Estado de Educación y Formación Profesional convoca becas para participar en un Programa de Inmersión Lingüística en inglés en colonias de vacaciones para el verano de 2019, destinado a alumnos matriculados en centros sostenidos con fondos públicos de 1º de ESO o 2º de ESO, publicado en BOE de viernes 26 de abril de 2019.
Se pueden consultar las bases de la convocatoria en el siguiente enlace.
Plazo de presentación de solicitudes:
Quince días hábiles a partir del día siguiente al de la publicación del extracto en el BOE (26 abril)
First Aid: english project
En el segundo trimestre los alumnos de 2º de bachillerato A, 4ºA y 4ºB hicieron un proyecto sobre primeros auxilios en clase de inglés. Trabajaron en grupos investigado qué hacer en distintos tipos de emergencias, desde una parada cardiaca a un accidente de coche; desde cómo reconocer un ictus y cómo actuar hasta que llegan los servicios de emergencia a una quemadura o un corte. La finalidad del proyecto era que practicaran inglés de una manera que estuvieran motivados al encontrar el tema interesante y útil. La tarea final ha sido hacer una exposición oral con power point y un role play y elaborar unos posters para exponer en el hall del instituto y en sus aulas.
Hemos practicado comprensión escrita (reading) al tener que buscar información; expresión escrita (writing) al preparar lo que iban a explicar y al hacer un poster sobre cada tema. Por supuesto expresión oral (speaking) en la presentación y comprensión oral (listening) al escuchar todas las presentaciones de sus compañeros.
Ha sido realmente interesante y todos hemos aprendido qué hacer en estas situaciones de emergencia.
Aquí ponemos una muestra de los videos de algunas presentaciones orales (una por tema) y fotos de los posters expuestos en el hall. Espero que os guste. Cristina Pueyo, (profesora del Departamento de Inglés). Enlaces a los vídeos.
In Love with Japan.
Definitely, Aomori is one of the places that I would like to visit. Aomori is a city of Japan that is located in the Tohoku region, north of Honsu. Aomori’s name means “blue forest”, for the transparency of its waters. Aomori has got a humid climate with hot summers and cold, although not extreme, winters. This city has got a population of about 281 130 people.
If you like art, you should go and visit the Munakata Shiko Museum. It’s a building where you can see Munakata’s works (he’s a Japanese painter). There are 700 works, although this painter’s masterpiece, “The Ten Disciples of Buddha”, is always exhibited. The opening hours vary according to the season, so be careful when you book tickets online!
If you’re a cherry blossoms lover, like me, I recommend you to take a walk around the Gappo Park. In March and April, hundreds of these cherry trees let their flowers open and the Japanese people make picnics here to enjoy it. It’s a sight worth admiring.
The Sukayu Onsen are public hot springs available for men and women. One day here is around ¥600 (approximately €5). They also offer a very good food service, with the most typical Japanese food. This Onsen is surrounded by nature, you’ll be delighted with the beautiful views!
But of course, one of the most curious things about Aomori is… The Yonhiki Neko Café! The neko cafés are themed cafés whose attraction is to observe and play with cats (“neko” means cat in Japanese). It’s a quiet place where you can drink a tea or a coffee accompanied by a cute cat. If you are a neko lover, this would be your ideal place.
Finally, if I had to choose a season to go it’ll be at the beginning of August. At this time, Nebuta Matsuri is held, a festival of huge lantern-figure chariots parading around the city, alongside with dancers.
I would be very happy to visit Aomori. I’ll ask my mother to plan an itinerary for this summer!
By Serena Petit. 3º ESO B
Animal Tales
Do you like animals? Then, you will surely enjoy these tales that some of our 1º ESO students wrote.
Peter was a little boy who lived in the streets of London asking for money and sleeping on the stairs of St.Paul’s Cathedral.
He felt sad and lonely. His mother died when he was born and his father neglected him.
One day, while he was walking he found a puppy. He called the dog Bo. Bo and Peter loved to see circus performances and together they did some tricks.
One month later, Peter dressed up as a clown and put a red nose in Bo’s nose. They went to Trafalgar Square and gave an incredible circus performance. People were amazed. At the end of the day Peter and Bo earned enough money to rent a loft and eat Peter’s favorite dish… Fish and Chips!
An old man asked Peter to be part of his circus, together with Bo.
This day Peter and Bo stopped having money problems. They became reach and famous all over the world!
By Paula Los.
There was a girl and her canary that went to Paris to visit the Eiffel Tower because she thought that it was made of pearls. But when she saw it, she became sad .
The next day a woman saw her canary and asked Mimi:
«How much is your wonderful canary?»
Mimi said:
«Oh no, no, I don’t sell my canary»
And the woman became a little bit sad and said:
«Sorry but I need it to give a party for my daughter»
The next day the woman had something to say to Mimi:
«Hi, I offer you one thing, you work for me in my shop in exchange for your canary so I can give my daughter a party, okey?”
Mimi said: » Yes, obviously!»
And now Mimi works in a little shop in Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower and her canary gives parties for children. The dreams of Mimi came true with the help of her canary.
This story proves that you never have to surrender to your dreams and make them overcome everything that is in your way!!!
By Sabrina Iriarte.
The cotton girl is sick and there are many abominable aphids on her leaves. How much she hopes to have a doctor to treat her!
The swallow flew by. The cotton girl said :
“Please, help me to catch the aphids” The swallow said: “ Sorry, I will only catch the insects flying in the air. Ask someone else to help you”
The woodpecker flew by. The cotton girl said:
“Please, help me to catch the aphids” The woodpecker said: “ Sorry, I will only catch the insects in the trunk. Ask someone else to help you”
The frog jumped. The cotton girl said happily:
“Please, help me to catch the aphids” The frog said: “Sorry, I will only catch the insects in the field. Ask someone else to help you”
Suddenly, a group of round little bugs flew by. Soon, all the aphids were eaten up. The cotton girl said in amazement: “Who are you?” The bugs said: “We have seven spots on our body, like seven stars. Everyone calls us seven-spot ladybugs”
Soon, the cotton girl’s illness was over, and she grew green leaves and split out snow-white cotton. She smiled!
By Yuting Jiang.
Once upon a time, there was a boy called Pablo, who went to a campsite with his friend Lucía. They went to a small village called Calanda.
One day, Pablo and Lucía decided to visit a big forest that was near the village. When they stopped to eat, they heard strange noises, so they started to be afraid.
When they finished their lunch, they started looking where those noises came from. They found a wolf which had a broken leg, so they helped the wolf. When the wolf was better, they called a vet. Finally the vet took the wolf to his office, and Pablo and Lucía went back to the campsite.
By Pablo Camín.
Intercambio Banbridge Academy, Irlanda del Norte
Nuevo plazo de solicitud para la English Week para los alumnos de 1º y ampliación a 2º ESO
Se amplía a 2º ESO la actividad de inmersión lingüística English Week hasta cubrir las plazas vacantes. Los interesados deberán preinscribirse en la Secretaría del Instituto durante los días 10-12 de diciembre. Más información e impreso de preinscripción en Alumnos y Familias – Impresos